The company was founded under the name “INTEC” in Ermua, Bizkaia (Spain).
INTEGI S.A. offers a wide range of knurling and rotary broaching products, from the simplest ones to the most demanding ones, all of them capable of producing high quality results with an optimal performance in terms of costs. Company always keep a permanent stock of more than 1500 references which allows us to dispatch your order in less than 24 hours since its reception.
INTEGI commitment to quality and innovation leads us to constantly keep up with our clients’ needs and develop new products that meet our customers´ requirements. All this is compatible with company policies: continuous training to the employees, investments and permanent improvement of the means of production.

Knurling technology
In form knurling the teeth are generated by deformation of the material, because the knurls exert pressure on the piece while it turns. This method is made without removing material, so no chips are produced. Due to deformation of the material the diameter of the piece is increased. The value of this increase is variable as it depends on the material of the piece machined and the form and pitch of the teeth generated (see table page 8).
1. Form knurling is imperative when a radial knurling technique (plunge) is used.
2. When the profile to machine is RGV, RKE, RKV.
3. When the final diameter of the piece needs to be bigger than the starting diameter.
4. When you have to make a knurling in the bottom of a throat.
5. To make knurling till a face.
6. To knurling in cones or front faces
In cut-knurling the teeth are generated by removing material. This type of knurling does not generate overstrain on the machine and in many cases a higher quality and more accurate knurling is obtained. The tools used for this knurling technique fit knurls with a 30˚ angle in relation to the rotation axis of the piece. Due to this inclination the knurls cut the teeth while they are turning along the piece. The cut-knurling system does not generate an increase in the diameter of the machined piece as in theory the material is not deformed. Although it must be stated that there is always a slight displacement of the material that even though it is not of the same magnitude as that generated by form knurling, it must be taken into account when the piece to be made requires a certain precision in the final diameter. This knurling system is not applicable in all cases. Only RAA, RBL, RBR and RGE profiles can be run with cut knurling tools.
1. Cut-knurling makes it possible to execute thin walled tubular pieces, whereas with form knurling it is impossible.
2. When the material to be knurled is not deformable as plastics, nylon, cast iron.
Rotary broaching technology
The rotary broaching is a simple, fast and economic system to machine polygonal shapes (square, hexagonal, six lobe, splined shafts…) in a wide variety of materials. The operating principle is a simple. The axle of the broach is divert 1° from the axle of rotation of the workpiece. This angle difference makes the broach rotate executing an oscillatory movement which cut`s the material reproducing accurately the shape of the broach used. The broach has a 1.5° clearance angle so it cuts only with the edge. If the angle is equal or lower than 1° the broach does not cut properly, causing poor quality of the faces. If the angle is bigger than 1.5° the broach fragility increases.
The advantages of rotary broaching are:
“POLIPROFILE” toolholders manufactured by INTEGI can be used on lathes, machining centers or drills. The wobbling movement appears when the toolholder gets in contact with the workpiece, being one static and the other turning.
It can be produced in two different ways:
Rotary broaching allows in many cases the execution of polygonal profiles in lathes, machining centers or drilling machines. It replaces the use of electrical discharge or stamping presses which saves a lot of time and money.
INTEGI´S POLIPROFILE Toolholders can be used for both internal and external rotary broaching. The same toolholder can be used for both, although in the case of external broaching an adapter is necessary to hold the die. In the case of internal broaching, you have to use a broach with the required profile. In external broaching you need a cutting die and a die-holder

Burnishing technology
Burnishing uses a highly polished hardened roll pressed to a rotating workpiece to improve its surface finish. The microscopic peaks that have been generated in the turning processes are flattened into the surface. The final result of this operation is the generation of a polished surface with a remarkable reduction of the roughness.